Emergency Preparedness

As part of our role in emergency preparedness, CCA has pulled together resources to help producers mitigate risks to their animals relating to animal health and extreme weather.

Please feel free pass along this information to your neighbours. We all have a part to play in protecting our industry from risks related to animal health and the impacts of extreme weather.

Check back often as we will continually add new resources as they become available.

Foot and Mouth Disease:

CCA Briefing Note: Foot & Mouth Disease, International Travellers Awareness

Protect Your Farm: Prevent Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)

On-Farm Biosecurity Resources, Beef Cattle Research Council

Canadian Beef Cattle On-Farm Biosecurity Standard, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Extreme Weather:

Structure Fire and Wildfire Resources, Animal Health Emergency Management Project (AHEM)

Livestock Evacuation Documentation Form

Flooding Resources, AHEM