Media Resources
CCA Communications is your resource for industry statistics, background information on specific issues, the latest research and beef cattle industry experts. We can also refer media enquiries to other beef industry organizations where appropriate.
Interview Requests
Help ensure a speedy response to interview requests by stating the topic of the article, a brief summary of the type of questions you’ll be asking, deadline information and contact information. We’ll match your request with the appropriate spokesperson.
CCA News
Subscribe to CCA Action News to keep up with the latest association and industry news. Action News is published every two weeks and the subscription is free. Click here to sign up: Action News sign up
Back issues of CCA Action News can be found at: Action News listing page.
For media requests, contact:
Tina Zakowsky
CCA Communications Manager
Office: 403-451-0931
Or complete the following form to get in touch with us.