CCA comment on latest draft of the federal offset protocol: Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle (REME)

Ottawa, ON – On December 10, 2023, the Government of Canada released a statement announcing the latest draft federal offset protocol: Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle (REME). The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) is looking into details of the protocol and will be responding with a formal submission, highlighting the importance of practical, pragmatic solutions that are based in science.

“We look forward to looking at how this protocol will provide incentives directly to beef producers on the ground, which will help our industry work towards our 2030 goals,” said Nathan Phinney, CCA President. “We believe in a science and evidence-based approach in which producers can voluntarily adopt new practices and/or innovations that could reduce enteric methane emissions.”

The Canadian Beef Advisors have made a goal to reduce primary production greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 33 per cent by 2030, as well as a suite of goals to support research, innovation, and technology adoption to support both the environmental and economical sustainability of the sector.

The REME protocol is intended for use by those undertaking a project to reduce enteric methane emissions in confined beef cattle feeding operations through improved management, diet reformulation, the use of feed additives, growth promotors or other innovative strategies to generate offset credits under the Canadian Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Offset Credit System Regulations.

It is important to clarify that Canada’s GHG Offset Credit System is national in scope and is designed to complement and not compete with offset systems in provinces or territories. A federal offset protocol does not apply in a jurisdiction that has a provincial offset system with an active protocol for the same project activities, i.e., Alberta’s Quantification protocol for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fed cattle – Version 3.0 in Alberta’s Provincial Offset System.

The federal protocol is meant to put all beef producers on even footing by providing an avenue for management changes that reduce enteric methane emissions to be rewarded in every province. It will be critical for producers with experience using such protocols and producer associations across the country to comment on the development of the REME protocol, for an outcome that is practical and feasible in a commercial setting.

CCA is working with governments, industry, and beef producers across the country to ensure that the needs of Canadian farmers and ranchers are met within this draft protocol. We will submit our comments on the draft protocol, Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle, and remain engaged in this process until the draft is complete.

For more information about the draft protocol, please visit:

For further information, contact:
Michelle McMullen
Communications Manager
Canadian Cattle Association

For a PDF of the statement, click here.