Foreign Trade

In 2023 Canada reached C$6.7 billion in beef and live cattle exports. Our exports to Japan reached half a billion dollars in 2022, a new record thanks in great part to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) trade agreement. In 2023, all remaining BSE restrictions in Japan and Taiwan were lifted. This increased market access will continue to support our export growth in the Indo-Pacific region.  

In March, the Canadian Government welcomed the United Kingdom (UK) into the CPTPP against our opposition.  Unlike other CPTPP Members, Canada was unable to secure reciprocal beef access into the UK. More importantly, our long-standing non-tariff barriers that prevent us from exporting beef into the UK were not resolved. Since 2022, Canada has exported zero beef to the UK. The CPTPP has, until now, provided a high standard of trade, but this new agreement with the UK leaves a significant trade barrier in place and it undermines the ambition of future entrants. The beef and pork sectors are calling on Parliamentarians to reject this deal when it comes to a vote in Parliament until these barriers are addressed.  

Over the course of 2023, CCA has been monitoring the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed changes to the ‘Product of the USA’ voluntary label requirements. The proposed limiting the claims of this label to livestock born, raised, slaughtered, and processed in the US. These changes could create segregation of cattle along the supply chain creating a potentially more restrictive version of the Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (MCOOL) statute, which was deemed by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to violate Canada and Mexico’s WTO rights. CCA has been meeting with US counterparts, government officials and key stakeholders to discuss the ramifications of the proposal.  

Another important development was the passage of Bill C-282: An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management) from the House of Commons to the Senate. This Private Member’s Bill aims to take supply management sectors off trade negotiations. This will hurt Canada’s ability to launch, negotiate, and renegotiate the best trade deals. With the Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) up for renegotiation in 2026, this Bill will put Canada’s trade position at a disadvantage. Bill C-282 will not only affect agricultural sectors, but any other sector that depends on trade.  

Key Milestones 

  • Led the “Say No to a Bad Deal” campaign to oppose the UK’s accession to the CPTPP until the non-tariff trade barriers beef producers face are resolved. 
  • Attended trade missions in Japan and South Korea to support Canadian beef exports. 
  • Submitted comments on the ‘Product of USA’ proposed changes outlining the potential negative consequences it could have in the North American beef supply chain. 
  • Advocated against Bill C-282 by appearing at committees, meeting with Parliamentarians, sending letters and creating social media content.  

Priorities for 2024